Finding quotes in my book, The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini, is a simple matter. Finding important quotes, is just as easy. But taking just three quotes which I think are the most important, however, is quite difficult, as it is quite difficult to judge what is and what isn't important. The following three quotes might not be the most important quotes, but they are quite important nevertheless. The first important quote is found on page twelve; Amir reflects on his and Hassan's infant days and says that "Hassan and I fed from the same breasts. We took our first steps on the same lawn in the same yard. And, under the same roof, we spoke our first words. Mine was Baba. His was Amir. My name". This is a very significant quote as it shows who is most important to these two main characters; this also foreshadows events in the future, because it shows Hassan's devotion to Amir, and Amirs love for his father.
Another important quote is found on the first page of the story: "it's wrong what they say about the past, I've learned, about how you can bury it. Because the past claws its way out. Looking back now, I realize I have been peeking into that deserted alley for the last twenty-six years". This quote is important because it shows Amirs guilt for what happened to Hassan, and how he just stood there and let it happen. This is also the main reason that drives Amir to go back to Afghanistan to bring Hassan's son to America, the guilt of what happened to Hassan.
The final quote is found near the end of the book, where Amir says that he "looked down at Sohrab. One corner of his mouth had curled up just so. A smile. Lopsided. Hardly there. But there" (page 391). The smile shows that Amir was starting to make amends for what he has done in the past, and that his conscience is finally starting to clear.
Due to a certain field trip this post seems a little hasty in composition. Nonetheless, some valid points are brought to light. One thing though that I just quickly want to touch on is the first quote. I notice that it really seems to put emphasis on the fact that Amir and Hassan were given equal oppurtunity in their childhood. This shows that Baba is trying to bring the two ethnicities to a more even playing field, and give Hassan more oppurtunity. This also means that Baba cares for Hassan, almost like... a son ;)