Saturday, November 20, 2010

I Before U, No Exceptions

Everyone has his or her own set of morals, something that influences every single decision that is made. Just as each person has his own set of finger prints, so does each person have his own set of morals; I am no different. However, I dare say that my morals are quite different than that of most other people. For instance, I do not believe that there are "right and wrong" choices; I believe that there are only choices that are smart, and choices that are stupid. Smart choices are those which yield more benefit than harm to you, and stupid choices are the exact opposite; there are no gray areas. An often used example of this belief is the question "If you saw someone drop a wallet with a hundred dollars in it, what would you do?" Personally, my reaction would depend on the owner of the wallet. If this person is someone that I consider an enemy, or someone that I do not know and have never heard of, I would keep the money and either pawn or throw away the wallet.  However, if this person was a friend or someone with power or influence, like celebrities, politicians, CEOs, I would immediately return the wallet. My reason for this being that I would not harm a friend, and a person in a position of power may one day come in handy. And since people remember those who have helped them, there is a chance that these people may just remember me. And of course, for those in the other group, what have they ever done for me to deserve my help in return? In short, my morality in this and similar situations centers around self-gain; how I can benefit from the situation, and how those I love can benefit from it. Also, I have been called Machiavelli, which I think is true, to a certain extent. For example, I believe that "the end justifies the means", but only to the extent where it doesn't result in any major consequences, whether judicial or social. I do, however, strongly believe that "it is better to be feared than loved, if both cannot be achieved". My reason for this being that love and familiarity breeds contempt, and it also inspires disobedience, while fear urges the person to obey any command, for fear of punishment should an order go unheeded. After reading this, most people would think that I am a selfish person, but this is not so; I do not mind helping those in need. In fact, sometimes it can be quite enjoyable. However, before you can help anyone else, you must first help yourself, and that is all that I'm doing; I'm looking out for myself. And as any elementary school student can tell you, "I" comes before "U".